Season 1 Episode 9
Episode 9
Sky One Transmission Date:
Tuesday 11th November 1997
Written By
Patrick Melanaphy
Directed By
Alister Hallum

Dean, Georgina

Jacobs, Dragon mascot Melinda Messenger

Sean, Warren

Sean, Sandra

Sean, Zoe, Des
GS: Stephen Baker (Ian Middleton) Gemma Potter (Gem Durham) Bully/Braveheart (Alan Pritchard) Sandra Welch (Lisa Burstow) Melinda Messenger (as herself)
Dean is in a good mood following his night with Lucy, and Lynette gathers that Conor didn't stay in his room last night. After seeing for herself that Conor is not in the house, Lynette hears Dean on the phone arranging to meet with Georgina over her "present". The youth team are getting ready for their practice match against Harchester's Reserves, and give Warren a big cheer when he walks into the dressing room a free man. Georgina is shocked when Dean throws the jacket back at her, yelling he doesn't want her to buy him any presents. She is upset and when Dean tells her to find someone else she says she only wants him.
Jacobs is in his office when he is visited by the new Dragon mascot, which is being modelled by none other than Melinda Messenger! He tells her he has someone in mind who can wear it so her talents aren't wasted! Frank tells Warren he wants this to be a fresh start for him, but he too has now noticed Conor’s absence. Des gets a phone call telling him he is wanted down at the club. It is a big mystery as to what he will be doing. Lynette is once again having a storyline about going to bed, and ignores Frank's call as he continues his search for Conor. He knows he will have to start the practice match without him, and gives the boys his team talk. He also warns Warren that one or two of the opposite side will be bound to wind him up over his court business so not to rise to it. The game kicks off and Frank remarks to Brian Hooper that Conor's no show is not on.
Before long Frank's prediction has come true, and a Scotsman nicknamed "Braveheart" has got Warren in his sights. Zoe arrives for her interview at the hairdressers and Gemma wishes her nervous friend luck before she goes in. The practice match continues, with the youth team getting the first goal in, but Braveheart is still lending trouble to Warren. Zoe comes out and excitedly tells Gemma she got the job and will be working with her. The Reserves equalise and full time comes, with Frank telling the boys he is proud of them today, especially Warren for how he handled Braveheart. However, it isn't long before Warren is showing Braveheart he doesn't take disrespect lightly and follows him to the urinals. Soon Braveheart is on the floor writhing in agony holding his manhood(!) while Warren walks away satisfied.
Dean arrives at Addison Road for today's first team match against Liverpool and is irritated when Georgina approaches him. She seemingly has accepted that they can never be together and wishes him and Lucy luck, which Dean is surprised at. In the background Fletch walks past having seen. While sitting in the stands Sean and Vincent spot the new Dragon mascot, and Sean wonders what kind of idiot would sign up to go inside that? At the Baker's Stephen and Zoe get a call from Conor and learn he is on his way back to Ireland, and Zoe goes to the club to find Des.
Frank is concerned that he hasn't been able to find Conor anywhere, and now worried about the state of mind he was in, asks Sean to search the stadium for Des. Sean is more worried about missing the action and he is right - no sooner has he begun searching than Harchester have gone one up. Sean bumps into Zoe looking for her dad, and learns about Conor, though Sean is less than sympathetic believing Conor didn’t try hard enough. Zoe and Sean now enter into a full blown insult throwing match, with Sean calling Zoe spoilt and thoughtless as to the lives some of the players she lives with have come from. While she accuses him of being insensitive to Conor for he at least had Dean when he first arrived, Conor has come to England with no-one.
Afterwards, Sean wonders into reception and asks Sandra (that Sandra in her first ever appearance) to put out a call for Des over the tannoy. Des hears his message, and removing his Dragon's head reveals his identity to the crowd, including a bemused Frank and Vincent in the stands. Des gets to Zoe and learns about Conor, though not wanting to let the club down with his ‘big gig’ as the Dragon's mascot, he knows the Conor situation is more important and he, Zoe and Sean leave for the train station to try and find Conor in time.
Best Known For: Melinda Messenger came to prominence as a Page 3 girl and glamour model, before carving a successful career in TV presenting and the odd acting role along the way (as seen here and her other DT season 1 appearances!).
The Best: Alone in her bedroom, a sad Georgina puts on the jacket she bought for Dean. As he joins Fletch to look over the team sheet and see that he's on, Fletch remarks to Dean that although they’re playing at home he had a feeling Dean likes playing away! When Sean throws in "frigid" as an insult to Zoe, he feels the same slap she previously gave Conor.
Logic: We are told commentary-wise that today’s match is the first meeting between Harchester and Liverpool at Addison Road. Of course, the established history of the club which we see later on, particularly in 9.11 [#366] War Of The Roses with a January 1995 meeting between the two clubs and DT80’s #2 the same in October 1984, hadn’t been dreamt up at this early point in the series. In fact, such emphasis is put on Harchester being in the Premier League for the first time this season, when it is later added they were there between 1994-96.
Quotes: Warren [to Braveheart at the urinals]: "No wonder you're all mouth!". Frank to Sandra: "Look I know this may sound daft, but you haven't seen a big purple Dragon anywhere have you?!"
Additional Info: This episode is set on 9th November 1997, as seen on the Harchester v. Liverpool team sheet. Lisa Burstow is seen as Sandra Welch (later Greene) working the Addison Road reception. Though it is not until the move to The Dragon’s Lair in season 3 that she features more regularly.
What Was The Score?: The youth team/reserve game finishes 1-1. The first team’s home game sees Davie Best (#7) score for the Dragon’s. Close to half time Thomas scores for Liverpool making it 1-1, where the episode finishes.
Soundtrack: En Vogue: “Don’t Let Go”.
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